Beauty Binge Story

Minal Siyal
Dreamer. Travel Enthusiast. Conscious Executive Officer.
The Beauty Binge Story – As an individual, I always followed the must-dos of life, one phase after another. But as I evolved within, I realized that I wasn’t cut out for the everyday monotony. I needed something more fulfilling to add meaning to my days.
On the other end of the spectrum, lay my frustration with my health struggles. One that I couldn’t share with everyone, and one that kept eating into my happiness. Only when I met a few professionals in the field of Nutrition and Health development, did I slowly start making significant changes to my lifestyle. I was reading labels of almost everything that I consumed/applied/indulged in. It wasn’t a random erratic phase, in fact, the thoughtful and conscious way of living was a change I will never regret in my life and an important aspect of our story.
The two phases united when I quit my career in Advertising. Driven by my newfound passion for clean living, and after a lot of research and reflection, I discovered that the region needed a single platform for COV (cruelty-free, organic, vegan) products, that was affordable and accessible by all.
It felt comforting knowing that we could create a space for women, men, and kids to find solutions that didn’t have complicated ingredients that most couldn’t even pronounce. The Beauty Binge industry has carried a label of being premium for years, a notion that I wanted to work on to ensure it isn’t just for a select few but for all those who are taking the first step towards mindful living irrespective of their age, social status, or gender.
I then decided to launch this idea as BEAUTY BINGE. A name that is meant to start a conversation about what Beauty really means and why it shouldn’t be restricted to women alone when we’re all made beautiful. And well, Binging, came into play almost instantaneously, considering pop culture around us, we wanted to be relatable to all and encourage people to endulge but with an added filter of responsibility!
Of course, the adventure doesn’t end, especially because I decided to launch a new venture amidst a global pandemic. Though, I will always remain grateful for that phase as well as it brought me immense learning that has only added to this journey of creating a community of conscious and happy bingers despite the complexities.
This page remains incomplete without mentioning the silent but significant contributor to the world of BB & Minal. Varun, the partner in all aspects of life. His role cannot be defined in a few words but will always remain integral to all that we have done, are doing and will continue to do.
Thank you for taking the time and reading our story. Hope we can always continue to connect with all those who are a part of this mindful journey and together work towards strengthening the wider ecosystem.
Happy Bingeing,